Tuesday, August 31, 2010


December 2, 1992. History is made. Shuan Pai, daughter of Mui Lee Pai and Paul Pai. Their first and only daughter. Why give their only daughter such a complicated name? To distress her schooling years? Just because? I don't know. But I've learned to embrace the name. It's unique.
Even as a toddler, eating was a favorite pastime. Notice how gently and lovingly that young girl looks at her cake. Food = Life. Literally.

With a father that worked in community colleges, I was moved every 3 years or so. From Texas to California. From California to Georgia. From Georgia BACK to California. From California to Missouri, where I finished my high school education. I think those experiences have caused a mental block to all types of travel. Traveling the world is not high on my bucket list. Actually, it's not even on my list.

Now, I'm a freshie at BYU.
Cheesy Closing to First Blog: My story is yet to be written.

1 comment:

  1. Love the photo -- and your name! Nicely unique. As you continue to blog, let us know about how you chose the course of study you've begun at BYU and where you think you are going with it for now. I'll keep reading!
