Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Reflection So Far...

This digital civilization class has definitely been an interesting journey so far.
When I signed up for the class, all I knew about it was that it was called Civilizations 2 : Letters. I had absolutely no clue as to what I would be learning.
Let's just say I experienced some culture shock once I finally sat down in class and learned what we'd be doing.
As a freshman, I suppose I knew that college would be much different. A new place, a new atmosphere, and a totally new learning method. In high school, we studied what we were given to study, we read what we were given to read. While we were still able to hold our own opinions on different matters, usually through the readings we were assigned, our opinions were lead a certain way.
Since the start of this class, I've noticed that I learn in a much different way then before. Forcing myself to look for scholarly articles/websites concerning the class topic has given me the chance to expand my knowledge and views on different matters.
As for the digital literacy labs, I was worried beyond belief. I didn't think I'd be able to grasp what the different labs consisted of. But since looking into the labs, I've found myself much more aware of the different tools available to me. I feel much more web-savvy.
I won't lie, I did not enjoy this class at first. The idea of starting a blog was mortifying. I had always made fun of those with blogs and how all bloggers wanted was attention. But my view has changed slightly and I understand now that a blog isn't just for putting up silly pictures and describing in full detail how awesome/awful one's life is. There are many intellectually sound blogs out there that offer interesting viewpoints.
All in all, this class has expanded my view of the world and has taught me how I learn best. I'm interested to see how much I'll learn/grow throughout the semester.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with how this class has changed my learning! High school was very much too spoon fed for me.
