Monday, September 13, 2010

Supreme Apostles

While studying the Protestant Reformation, I found this site that was very interesting. <--
My sophomore year of high school, I took World History and first learned about the false doctrines the Roman Catholic Church were preaching. I learned that the Church claimed apostolic succession. Basically, apostolic succession is the belief that the 12 disciples of Christ passed on their authority to their successors. The 'supreme apostle' (or the Pope) being Peter.
These false doctrinal teachings spurned Martin Luther's 95 Theses and resulted in the Protestant Reformation.
In many ways, this relates to Joseph Smith and the restoration of the gospel. In his search for the true church, he found that there were none and he was the one to restore the church. One can even compare the 95 theses to the Book of Mormon. The 95 Theses was meant to reform and the BoM was meant to complete the full and everlasting gospel. But both brought about a change to society and religion.

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