Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mormon Message - Final Project

So, I have been delegated the website. It was actually bit more difficult than I had originally thought to make the website more appealing.

So there's a quick looksie at what our website is.

I actually had to create a whole new Google site because our original site wouldn't let me change the background and all that type of stuff. So our new link is https://sites.google.com/site/davearielshuan/
***Is it possible to change the URL?? If so, help please!***

There is more to be added still. I just put up some pictures of the cute kiddos and of the whole team. Hopefully by this weekend, we'll have a short teaser clip of the Mormon Message so we can get others excited too.

As far as connecting with other people, my Hall RA is actually a Film major and we all agreed that to have a connection like that would be useful seeing as to how we are trying to create a video. So I'm  hoping I'll be able to catch her sometime this week to tell her about our project, ask for some advice and tips, and invite her to our presentation.

The clock is ticking faster and faster it seems!!

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